Day 49 & 50

Thursday, February 19, 2009 | |

Texture and colour. This is actually my pajama. :) Favorite PJs to wear this winter 'coz it feels warm and fuzzy. :o)

I can't believe it's snowing agian. WTH?! Didn't you just see my "Skipping winter" photo in the previous entry? OMG. It's like 10 degrees one day, and -15 degrees the next. Oh, Canada. I like the blue-ish effect of the photo though. I really don't know how the camera did that? Haha... It was kind of like a lucky shot, I guess. :P

Day 47 & 48

Tuesday, February 17, 2009 | |

This week is reading week. Usually, students just hang around..or go to places and have fun. But I actually have to read! I have a test the Monday I get back. Darn...

I made this little present for Ian for Valentine's Day. It's just a little gift to remind him of how much I love him :) Our anniversary is coming up! I have a big surprise for him :)

Yesterday was a pretty good day in terms of the weather outside. It was warm! Spring-like weather. So we decided to go out on the deck and skip ropes! :P

Day 41 - Day 46

Sunday, February 15, 2009 | |

Here are the photos for Day 41 through to Day 46. Enjoy!

The love card Ian gave me. It's funny and sweet! Love it! :) Technically, the card relates more to yesterday, but I took it today, so it's photo # 46! :o)

Cheesecake that Ian made for me. Who would've thought? What a surprise! I love it! Thanks babe!

4:21p.m. Waiting for Ian to pick me up from school. Yay, reading week!

Thursday. Random photo taken at school; taken while waiting for class.

Studying for a test later that week.

I finally wrote another entry. Finally!


Tuesday, February 10, 2009 | |

Wow, I think it was clear enough how busy I've gotten for the past week or so. Ohmygosh. So, finally, here's an update for the past several days I've been gone. Enjoy! :o)

Ian brought my some stuff from his office. Needed them for this project I'm going to be doing.

This is for Day 39. Instead of a photo, I took a short video.
This is a 1:20 minute video of Maxxi (and my brother) playing out in the yard, in the snow! :)

This was such a fun night, although we didn't do much. It was still a great night nonetheless. Ian took me out to eat at this fancy French restaurant for Winterlicious this year. Thanks babe!

What a fun night this was! Spent the night with the BFF. This is such a great picture. Haha!

This is my hand getting impatient - or rather, anxiously waiting until I have to go in for my Developmental Neuropsychology test. Phew! Glad that was over with!

I love Miss Vickie's! This is just one of my favorite snacks. Hehe :o)

It's me trying on an outfit to wear for Winterlicious. I didn't end up wearing this outfit though. It was way too cold!

Interesting. A gummy bear that had a concussion? hemorrhage? Haha. Who knows? But it's cute still :o)

This is Maxxi so not liking the bath. She's trying to escape!

On the eliptical. Went to the gym for the first time this [school] year. Stayed for 2 hours. It was tiring!

The ring that Ian and I bought. An upgrade from out old one that was just a simple band, without anything on it. This is still simple (we'd like to keep it that way) but has a little sparkly rock thingamajig in the centre. It's not really clear from the photo, but there's also a matte-finish band in the middle as well, going all the way around.

Eating Crunch chocolate bar on a random night. :o)